Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) is looking forward to hosting the Pacific Media Summit (PMS 2022) in Honiara next month.

THE Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) is looking forward to hosting the Pacific Media Summit (PMS 2022) in Honiara next month.

PMS is the largest media gathering in the pacific region which will attract around 150 media delegates including top media executives around the region.

MASI won the bid to host the PMS back in 2018 in Tonga with the support and endorsement of the Prime Minister’s Office.

The PMS was supposed to be held in September 2020 but was deferred until September 26th – 30th 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Now that the borders have reopened and restrictions eased, we are happy and prepared to welcome our regional media friends to our shores,” a statement from the MASI Board said.

The MASI Board says intending participants should only familiarize themselves with the country’s entry requirements with regards to COVID-19 and other health diseases and to ensure they adhere to the country’s health entry protocols prior to their departure for the summit.

MASI together with the Pacific Islands News Association (PINA) Secretariat are currently working in partnership to ensure the summit is a success.

The PMS sessions are expected to be held at the Heritage Park Hotel and the Pacific Crown Hotel.

“We acknowledge the ongoing dialogue and keen interest by the government, individuals, and business houses in supporting this event,” the statement said.

The MASI Board says the Pacific Media Summit is an opportunity for media workers to gather and discuss issues of interest affecting their work.

Theme of the Pacific Media Summit 2022 is “The digital revolution – turning threats into opportunities for the Pacific Media”.


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