THE Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) has successfully conducted its two-days consultation on the first ever Solomon Islands Constituency Development (SICD) Policy at Munda, Western Province from 8-9 September 2022.
The consultation task force/team was led by Deputy Secretary Technical (DST) Hugo Hebala and included Deputy Secretary Corporate (DSC) Constance Wane, Director of Rural Development Division (RDD) Milfred Delemani, Principal Research and Rural Development Officer, Kejoa Para, and Legal Intern Aroma Ofasia.
Another five officers that also form part of the team traveled to Munda last week but deployed into the field to do Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of CDF-funded projects in South New Georgia and West New Georgia constituencies including team leader and Principal M&E Officer Timothy Carter, Principal Project Planning Officer Brian Douglas, Principal Procurement Officer Kerly Arthur. Kempinski, Data Officer Crystal Arifanata Waiwori, and Director of Communication & Public Relations Stephen Diisango.

It was a successful consultation as participants contributed constructively and completely with invaluable ideas and views towards this crucial policy reform undertaken by the government through MRD.
Recommendations from the consultations will assist the MRD task force in reforming constituency developments.
Participants expressed their support for the undertaking and said that the consultation is a major step in the right direction as far as rural development is concerned.

They said that having a robust framework to safeguard the use of CDF is of paramount importance to guarantee meaningful developments are realized in our constituencies.
Participants further expressed that a need for better safeguards, systems and processes and accountability frameworks to ensure Members of Parliament (MPs) and responsible officers are accountable for such public funds is significant and perhaps most importantly funds are utilized for their intended purpose.
The participants were really happy to participate in the two-days consultation as CDF has been a major issue of development concern in their respective constituencies and communities.
Meanwhile, DST Hebala acknowledged the participants for their participation and helpful contributions during the course of the consultation.

Mr. Hebala highlighted that the SICD Policy’s key goals are to support and provide a policy framework for the review of the 2013 CDF Act, and it will enhance and contribute towards empowering all Solomon Islanders to participate meaningfully in constituency development activities to improve their livelihoods.
He further said that SICD Policy shall focus on the following key thematic areas: socio-economic infrastructures, livelihoods income generating projects, essential services such as health, education, and police- security, and downstream processing and value adding.
“This policy framework overall intends to guide the management and enhance the delivery of the Constituency Development Funds.”

Minister for the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) Rollen Seleso previously said the ruling Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA) government remains committed to supporting the Ministry of Rural Development programs and activities that will have positive impacts on our rural population, promoting self-reliance and standard infrastructures.
He was speaking during the official closing of a similar consultation organized for Guadalcanal Province participants held at Kapten’s Point in West Guadalcanal last week.
Minister Seleso said that the SICD Policy is an important undertaking by the Ministry of Rural Development and is fully supported by the Democratic Coalition Government for Advancement (DCGA).
Both women and men’s representatives acknowledged MRD for giving them that vital opportunity to participate in the consultations discussions, where they can share their constructive ideas and views on the current CDF practices and recommendations to be included in the first-ever SICD Policy.
SICD Policy is currently undergoing nationwide consultation with so far four provinces have been completed which include Isabel, Guadalcanal, Western and Central Province.
Consultation for Malaita Province is also underway in Auki.