TRANSFORMING our National University (SINU) to that of international standing depend entirely on collaborative action said SINU Acting vice Chancellor Dr Jack Maebutu.

Speaking during the Official Opening of the FEH complex this morning Dr Maebuta acknowledge the Hon Prime Minister to be the Guest of Honour.

“It is very fitting Sir for you to do the official opening of this complex because this complex is 100 percent funded by Solomon Islands Government.

“It is worth $120 Million. It is a gift from the Solomon Islands Government to Solomon Islands National University for the people of Solomon Islands,’’ said Maebuta.

“Sir, we all are proud Solomon Islanders to be gifted this complex by our very own Government. As a Solomon Islander, and the Acting Vice Chancellor Corporate, I am very proud of our National Government for such a magnificent investment.

“Prime Minister Sir, some of your Ministers and MPs are products and alumni of this university particularly in early days of this institution.

“This is a testament that we as SIG, we as SI leaders, we as SINU and we as Solomon Islanders, we all can do it. Together we can build our National University to that of international standard. Yes we all can if we are all together in it.

“What we are witnessing today is also a testament to utilizing little resources that we have to create something. It also not about ‘no eni slen’ (no money) it is about maximizing ‘smol slen umi garem’ (little money that we have),’’Maebuta said.

“Distinguished guests, I would like to further amplify that the COVID pandemic has taught us many lessons. For tertiary education as  we have seen the government has not offered overseas scholarships this year.

“Therefore, if we all work together and concentrate our efforts on building our national university we will offer all overseas programs locally and many students can study here rather than going overseas. This will save the government as students currently studying overseas are more than the number sponsored by government here in SINU.

“Solomon Islands National University council you are the bedrock of such an achievement. Previous council and the present council chairpersons and council members are all contributors to this achievements.

“Chair SINU Council and your counsellors need a pat on the shoulder for your leadership in endorsing this project and see it through to completion. This is our project. We have all toiled together to see it through.

“Prime Minister Sir, through you I want to also render my sincere gratitude and appreciation to your other colleague Members of Parliament for your strong support for the university,’’ he said.


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