ROYAL Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) at Tulaghi Central Islands Province (CIP) received a new funded ablution block early this month.
The new ablution block said to cost more than $200,000.00 is funded and built under the owner of Ngella’s ‘Double Island and Pacific Casino Hotel’ Mr Michael Leong and his workers.

Provincial Police Commander (PPC) of CIP Superintendent David Soakai on behalf of RSIPF and its Police Commissioner and his police team in the province, acknowledge the important assistance funded.
According to PPC Soakai, the ablution block will not only serve the police but the community in CIP right down to children, especially those dwelling and travelling to Tulaghi.
“As the PPC, I acknowledge the small assistance the Double Island and Pacific Casino owner has given to CIP’s police,” said Soakai.
“This is history. One may say it is a small gift but for us receiving it, it is a big achievement. To recognise the welfare of the police officers of CIP is really appreciated from our hearts.
“This ablution block is to serve the everyday need of the people as well to relieve them when there is the need.”
PPC Soakai said the challenge now is to look after the ablution block as its hygiene has to be the first priority. Second, the challenge goes back to them to maintain it.

“To have a single investor come and give full funding for the CIP police organisation speaks louder than words,” said Soakai.
“For us, the police officers and the community, having this ablution block set up at the Tulaghi police post gives an open impression that the police are open for everyone.
“Having the amount of more than $200, 000.00 being funded on this building is a blessing.
“I thank the open hand from the Michael Leong group for this genuine funding. I thank DALGRO Company too to be a driving force behind this development for the police and people of CIP.”
The building key was handed over to the Assistance Commissioner of Provincial Police (ACP) Joseph Manelugu during the handing over, being witnessed by Mr Leong’s workers, Ms Fatimah Taeburi of the Magistrate and team, Mr Regional Douglas (AviAvi Mariners), Mr Soakai (PPC), Mr James Voa (DS ACOM), SOE stakeholders and other Private business houses, Mrs Delilah Lowe (DPS) CPG, CGGMP rep, RSIPF Officers and the Tulaghi public.