PIMEU Productive Sector Holds Dialogue With Line Ministries. Photo: Supplied.

THE Policy Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation Unit (PIMEU)’s productive sector division successfully held a day retreat with 7- line ministries today.

Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, and other representatives from seven productive sector line ministries under the productive sector took the time out of the city to join the discussions at the Ginger Beach Retreat and Recreation center in North West Guadalcanal today.

Chief of Staff of the PIMEU made the official opening remarks to open the retreat programme.

Policy Secretary of PIMEU’s Policy Sector, Dr. Samson Viulu stated, “The programme was an opportunity for the various ministries to share implementation progresses and updates of  their 2021 development budget programs.”

This is also an opportunity for the PIMEU to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the 2021 budget implementation for each productive sector line ministries.

It was also an opportunity for ministries to highlight the challenges faced in relation to the implementation of government policies in relation to the fiscal budget as well as strategies for the 2022 budget strategy and policy priority areas.

Following presentations by representatives of each ministry, discussions were held to look at the way forward.

The retreat programme is supported by the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination, and the Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.



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