Premier Willie Atu of Guadalcanal province. Photo credit @ SIBC


PREMIER of Guadalcanal, Hon. Willie Atu, highlighted both the opportunities and challenges faced by Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province during the 40th Guadalcanal 2nd Appointed Day celebrations last week.

In his speech, Premier Atu emphasized the significant infrastructure advantages in Honiara and Guadalcanal, including roads, the airport, and the wharf, which enhance accessibility for local communities to services and markets. However, he also acknowledged the challenges posed by the influx of population into customary land.

“The challenges and opportunities we experience here at the provincial level are not new, and we must have the confidence and courage to lead at the national level,” Hon. Atu stated.

Premier of Guadalcanal, Hon. Willie Atu, highlighted both the opportunities and challenges faced by Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province during the 40th Guadalcanal 2nd Appointed Day celebrations last week. Photo credit @ SIBC

The Premier announced plans to work with Honiara City Council and the national government to demarcate the boundaries between Honiara City and Guadalcanal Province. He stressed the importance of this demarcation for governance and service delivery.

“Guadalcanal Province is the lifeline of Honiara City, the seat of government of Solomon Islands. We want to work together on this. Therefore, I request support from the central government in partnership with HCC to physically demarcate the political boundaries,” Atu said.

He also proposed setting up two toll gates at the western and eastern ends of town to manage movement and collect revenues for addressing social needs.

“This is not to restrict freedom of movement but rather to assert some level of control and management, and to collect revenues to address the social needs of the province and its people,” he explained.

Premier Atu highlighted the need for additional wards and constituencies in Guadalcanal Province, which has a growing population of 170,000. He urged the Government for National Unity and Transformation (GNUT) to support the province’s aspirations.

“Guadalcanal is a big province with an increasing population. We request the government to pursue the boundary commission and demarcate the boundaries of constituencies and wards of Guadalcanal Province,” Atu said.


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