The Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) today (29 September) and other police around the world marked the ‘Police Remembrance Day’ known as the ‘Blue Ribbon Day.

RSIPF Commissioner Mr. Mostyn Mangau said this year’s Blue Ribbon Day is a low-key ceremony at the Rove Memorial Park, Police Headquarters in Rove, Honiara.

Commissioner Mangau said the ceremony was attended by the Minister of Police, National Security and Correctional Services Solomon Islands, Hon. Minister Anthony Kamutulaka VEKE and Permanent Secretary.

Mr. Mangau said the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Police, National Security and Correctional Services, myself, and our program partners all took part in the program.

He said on this day we remember the unqualified dedication of police officers in our country and other nations in the region, to the defense and justice in our land.

Today we remember the sacrifice of men and women throughout the police force. We also remember our colleagues who have died during the execution of their duties especially those who untimely pass away, said the Police Chief.
Wreaths were laid in honor of those officers by the guests and members of the RSIPF.
Feature Photo Caption : RSIPF Police Academy officers and recruits pause in silence to remember police officers die in the line of duty.