Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) are working with communities to build strong relationships to help maintain peace and security and prevent unlawful activities.
The RSIPF’s National Crime Prevention Department (NCPD) and Honiara Community Policing Team, supported by members of the Solomons’ International Assistance Force, have been meeting with communities to rebuild relationships and trust and work in partnership in the fight against crime in the communities.

During these visits, Police engage with locals to understand issues their communities might have and to conduct awareness sessions. Police work together with the community and encourage community and church leaders to help maintain peace in their community, and to identify and report unlawful activities.
“RSIPF seeks the support of everyone in the community in maintaining law and order. I remind citizens that we all have a responsibility to keep our community safe from criminal acts,” RSIPF Commissioner, Mostyn Mangau, said.

RSIPF’s National Community Policing Director, Superintendent John Matamaru, said communities they have visited are keen to establish working partnership with the RSIPF and create a safe and peaceful living environment.
“Many communities are interested in setting up crime prevention committees and by-laws to deal with unlawful activities like anti-social behaviour in relation to alcohol consumption (Kwaso), drug abuse and family violence in the community,” Superintendent Matamaru said.