Taheramo Police station on Ulawa Island. PHOTO: LIONEL TAORAO

By Lionel Taorao

Isles Media Freelance Reporter in Ulawa

POLICE at Taheramo on Ulawa Island, Makira Province have arrested a secondary teacher over the weekend allegedly for consuming and possession of homebrew.

Confirming this, police constable, Jacob Anuasi said that the arrest happened in the early morning of Saturday 13th November at Taheramo clinic area where the accused was found.

“The teacher who is a secondary school teacher at Suu Moli CHS was found at Taheramo clinic area in the early morning of Saturday drunk and was in possession of pineapple wine, a very popular homemade alcohol here on Ulawa,” constable Anuasi said.

He said that police remove the bottle of homebrew from him and have him locked up at the Taheramo police cell for further investigation into where he got the homebrew from as police are trying to find those who are producing and selling pineapple wine (A type of Homebrew) to have them prosecuted.

“We have already got information of the names of those illegally brewing homebrew and we are working on this to have those responsible arrested”, he said.

He confirmed that investigations into this matter is progressing and the police are yet to question those whose names have been reported.

Mr. Anuasi added that after releasing the teacher, they then arrested another two more from Su’u moli village for drunk and disorder on Sunday, the following day.


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