20,000 Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests have been handed over to the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) by the Chinese Police Liaison Team on February 18th in Honiara.
Commissioner Third Class Zhang Guangbao, Leader of the Liaison Team said during the handover ceremony at the Honiara International Airport, “The health and safety of our RSIPF colleagues is our great concern. Since the outbreak of pandemic, the RSIPF has been fully engaged in lockdown and rollout related operations, while dedicating themselves to the safety and security of the SI people.”

Commissioner Zhang also commented, “Since my team arrived in Honiara in late January, we have been keeping close communications with the RSIPF. In light of the rapid virus transmission among their officers and men, we immediately coordinated with the Ministry of Public Security of China for 20,000 RATs as part of emergency assistance to RSIPF. We hope that could offer a hand to our RSIPF colleagues and help them get through current time of hardship.”
Deputy Police Commissioner Mr. Ian Vaevaso expressed sincere gratitude to the timely and generous support from China Police. He said the RSIPF will be ready to strengthen its cooperation with China, to enhance its capacity in both maintaining social security and fight against Covid-19.
Commissioner ZHANG also signed the handover certificate with DC Ian Vaevaso.
-GCU Press