ONGOING threats to remove Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare by a so-called armed group is heeded but is not in the best interest of peace and stability.

A statement from the Government today said ongoing media speculations trumpeted by the so-called veteran journalist Alfred Sasako are nothing but a smear campaign to stir public insecurity and to cause fear, alarm and public anxiety, which is not helpful during this time of COVID-19.

The statement said the process for removing a Prime Minister is through the National Parliament and not by an armed” group.

The statement instead encouraged law-abiding citizens of the country to voice their concerns through their elected representatives and other appropriate channels for Government consideration.

“From the series of newspaper articles propagated by Sasako and his unnamed sources, it is apparent that some individuals continue their dislike of the government using all sorts of redundant tactics to create disunity and promote instability,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, the DCGA under the leadership of Prime Minister Sogavare and his ministers continue to encourage citizens of the country to focus their energy on nation building in partnership with the Government and development partners.

“It is in our best interest that we do not return to those dark moments of our country’s history, in this post ethnic tension period the paramount duty for all of us is to bring out the best of this country for the sake of our children.

“Whatever decisions we made today will bear consequences that will be felt by the next generations, therefore, we must be conscious and exercise sensitivity in all the decisions we are dispensing today. What we leave behind for them will be our legacy to them and their children,” The Government statement said.

The Government further made a reminder that in these uncertain times caused by the COVID- 19 pandemic, provoking political and social instability should be the last thing on everyone’s minds.

“We must work together in unity for the betterment of our country, if we are fragmented we will only succumb ourselves to the onslaught of the deadly pandemic,” government reiterated.

“We must also respect the multicultural composition of Honiara.
Honiara is made up of our people from every province.

Furthermore, Honiara is hosted by Guadalcanal Province. We must respect our host Province and the people of Guadalcanal.
Solomon Islands is our country and Honiara is our city. It is our individual and collective duty to ensure that our children and our people continue to enjoy a peaceful, stable and secure existence in Honiara,” the Government statement said.

Source: GCU


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