In Ulawa Island, Makira/Ulawa Province

Ulawa Island’s newly formed Covid19 oversight committee has successfully concluded its first meeting and come up with 17 resolutions.

The meeting which was held at Pirupiru Community High School (CHS) yesterday was purposely to create and draw the oversight committee’s resolutions and Standard Operation Proceedures (SOP) for the safety of the people on Ulawa in the Makira Ulawa province against the contagious Corona virus pandemic which is now in the Solomons.

Members of the oversight committee during the meeting Yesterday. PHOTO: LIONEL TAORAO

Speaking during the meeting, the Chairman of the oversight committee, Mr. Allen Awao told the committee that it is of the best interest and security of the people of Ulawa that the oversight committee is making these decisions on the Resolutions to ensure that Ulawa island remains COVID-19 free.

“The decisions we make here today are very important for the safety of our people in Ulawa in this time that we are facing”, Mr. Awao said.

“As we are chosen by our chiefs and other community leaders, we must see what’s best for us to do and we must ensure that our vulnerable people are safe since we are not capable in terms of standard facilities and equipments our health sector needs especially to face the challenges of Covid19 once there is an outbreak on Ulawa Island”, he added.

The Ulawa Island oversight committee consists of the three Members of Provincial Assembly; Hon. Davis Maemae who is the Makira Ulawa provincial Deputy Premier, Hon. Joe Takeli and Hon. Brook Wa’o, the Minister of Commerce, the Nurse in charge at Taheramo clinic, the operations commanding officer of Taheramo police station, Ulawa/Ugi constituency Project officer, Mr. Eric Taorao as well as chiefs and church elders aroúnd Ulawa and Mr. John Richardson Sa’ohu as the committee’s Technical advisor.

The oversight committee is looking forward to hold a lockdown exercise for the whole of Ulawa in the coming weeks after they held awareness talks with communities around Ulawa.


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