One of the pipelines that was cut off of the Su’u moli community borehole water supply project. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.


Isles Media Freelance in Ulawa, Makira Pro.

TAHERAMO Police on Ulawa Island in the Makira Ulawa province is investigating the vandalism of the Su’umoli community borehole water supply and sanitation project.

Police constable, Mr. Jacob Anuasi confirmed this today morning that the people of Su’u moli community in the North Ulawa ward have reported the matter to the police and they are currently doing investigations into the matter.

“We are working on this case now and so far, we have one reported suspect in regards to this case,” he said.

The incident happened last week where they have reported that someone has damaged the pipelines of the Su’umoli community borehole water supply project that was funded by the Ulawa Ugi constituency office to address the water shortage problem of Su’umoli community.

Damage done to the inlet pipe to the constituency warehouse at Su’u moli wharf. Pictures supplied

Damage has been done to four different locations within in the Su’umoli community as well as the Ulawa Ugi constituency warehouse at the Su’umoli wharf where they also cut off the pipeline connected into the warehouse.

One community elder, Mr. Jacob Tara said that since the incident has been reported to the police to deal with, the police must take immediate actions to ensure that this case is dealt with soon and should not be another incomplete criminal case as was with similar incidents that have been reported to the police previously.

One of the pipelines was cut off of the Su’u moli community borehole water supply project. PHOTO: SUPPLIED.

“The police must make all efforts and immediately carry out investigations into this matter so that whoever responsible for this crime must face the full force of law as expected by our chiefs and people,” Mr. Tara said.

Mr. Tara also called on his people especially parents and guardians to teach their children to have good behaviors and have respect for the community as this kind of behavior brings nothing good but a bad reputation for the community.

Many people have also condemned this act in the Ulawa Ugi Networking and news page on social media saying that the police must make all efforts to arrest the culprit (s) and ensure they face the full force of law.


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