THE Premier of Central Province is once again calling on all Central Islanders especially the remaining 36% to get their 1st Jab and for the 64% to get their 2nd Jab.

This is in light of the 2nd roll out for the 64% of the target population that have been vaccinated already.

The Premier is calling on each Village COVID 19 Health Committees and Village Governance Committees to identify and encourage the 34% that have missed out to get their first Jab to get theirs during this 2nd phase roll of the COVID 19 Vaccination Roll out throughout Central Province.

This is crucial to achieve the Provincial Target population of 19,000 plus and coverage of more than 95%. There is a national target set by Government Authorities and Provinces need to elevate in order that the National target is achieved.

The Premier is calling on the Central Province Village Governance Committees, Chiefs, Crime Prevention Officers, Provincial Community Officers under Community Governance and the Director Health of Central Province and all Nurses and Nurse Aids to work in close collaboration and in partnership with village Governance Committees to ID the 1st round miss outs and to ensure the 64% to get their 2nd Jab.

The Second roll out will commence prior to 28th October 2021 in Central Province when the second Jab is due to commence.

The Premier is calling for meaningful close collaboration and Partnership by all stakeholders to utilize the Provincial Community Governance framework for the roll out implementation of the 2nd phase of the COVID 19 Vaccination in the Province to capture 36% the miss outs. Data must be collected on them – names, mobile numbers, whereabouts etc. and reasons for being absent from home and from the vaccination roll out. The miss outs need to be contacted to confirm their status – i.e. for they might be jabbed in other Province or Honiara.

Given the situation, it is only appropriate that the Ministry of Health and Medical Services do allocate funds for the 3rd phase for the miss outs to get their 2nd Jab and be fully vaccinated. As students and citizens from delta variant countries are about to return, the risks are high and the stakes must be mitigated now as we do not know what the future holds for Central Province and our Nation Solomon Islands.

The Premier is calling for full cooperation of all Central Islanders for the 2nd phase roll out to be 100% and for the 34% miss outs during the 1st roll out to get their 1st jab.



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