Home 2024 Joint Election United Party Focuses on Youth and Gender Equality

United Party Focuses on Youth and Gender Equality

Solomon Islands United Party Youth League (UPYL), Wing Leader, Bobby Siarana.


THE Solomon Islands Party Youth League, under the Solomon Islands United Party (UP), has declared that its primary aim is to prioritize the rights of youth and promote gender equality in the country.

UP, which is gearing up for the 2024 joint elections on April 17, has said that it is committed to addressing the challenges faced by young people and advancing the rights and opportunities of women in Solomon Islands society.

In an interview with SUNDAY ISLANDS last week, the Solomon Islands United Party Youth League (UPYL), Wing Leader, Bobby Siarana, outlined the party’s vision for a more inclusive and equitable society. He emphasized the need to empower young people by providing them with access to quality education, job opportunities, and support services.

“The United Party, through the United Party Youth League (UPYL), will prioritize youth’s rights and gender equality by actively advocating for the effective implementation of the Solomon Islands National Youth Policy (SINYP) as well as putting pressure on the next ruling government to table a National Youth Development (NYD) Bill for youths in the Solomon Islands,” Bobby said.

He said the UP’s national youth policy basically focuses a lot on youth’s rights and gender equality; however, there has been ineffective implementation so far since its launch in 2017.

Bobby noted that UPYL will ensure that the next ruling government effectively addresses and implements SINYP 2017–2030, citing that the party understands that most youth activities from the youth division never reach rural youths, so there are two approaches to UPYL advocacy.

“The two approaches for UPYL advocacy are to: 1. advocate for effective implementation of the NYP 2017–2030 since its framework links directly with youths in rural areas and resource policy implementation; and 2. advocate for a Youth Development Bill. This is to ensure the national government prioritizes a national budget for youth development in the Solomon Islands,” he explained.

He expressed that UPYL wishes to see all young people, both male and female, contribute and participate towards economic and sustainable development in the Solomon Islands, either by way of social or economic means.



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