THE Munda market will serve a population of more than 2000 people including tourist who frequent Munda township.

The much waited newly built market has been handed over to the Western Provincial Government this week by UN Women Market for Change Project and CAUSE Project.

Munda market vendors & officials group photo. Photo supplied.

The handing over marks a big milestone in the development of market vendors who will use the facilities.

Speaking during the handing over ceremony UN Women National Project Coordinator Mrs. Alvina Erekali said UN Women is pleased to see the market finally completed and handed over to the recipient.

UN Women National Project Coordinator Mrs. Alvina Erekali. Photo Supplied.

The new market will definitely help the vendors in and around Munda as they will be using a big space and proper facilities to display their products.

Munda market vendors’ association president Mrs. Lauretta Nasala thanked UN Women and CAUSE Project for the gift which definitely will increase the participation of women in economic development.

Newly built Public Toilet facility. Photo Supplied.

Other speakers includes; Justus Deni, City Clerk Honiara town council, Cris Afable, Project Manager CAUSE Project HCC and Sam Belamide, Project Manager CAUSE MID.

Responding on behalf of the Western Provincial Government, Lisa Wong of Women’s Division said for many years vendors have been using a run-down building and the market itself was getting smaller.

Lisa Wong – Provincial Government, Women’s Division representative. Photo Supplied.

“The new market will serve a population of more than 2000 people including tourist who frequently visited Munda,” said Wong.

“As a growing township, markets provide an important venue which people assemble to buy fresh grown fruits, vegetables and other products.

“As population grows and development increases markets no doubt will become crucial to the livelihood of the population,’’ she said.

Mrs. Wong continue to say that whilst markets are considered to be venues for selling products, they are also a source of revenue for rural population.

“It provides a venue in which wealth is created for rural development.”

The Western Provincial Government believes that markets are important to the livelihood of its populace therefore in its current policy it fully endorses and welcome the construction of market buildings.

Newly built market stall three (3). Photo Supplied.

It also wishes to see the development of old markets and construction of at least 3 to 4 more facilities at viable locations.

The new market facilities was constructed by CAUSE Project and funded by UN Women through AusAID and Canadian Fund supported by NZAID, World Bank and Hon. Silas Tausinga.

Newly built market stall two (2). Photo Supplied.

The sub-project is implemented by SIG through Honiara city council and the Ministry of infrastructure development with the Western provincial government.

The newly build market includes three (3) market stalls, one public toilet, perimeter fence, footpaths and shoreline protection.


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