WORKS are progressing well on the new modern-style mini-hospital project in East Malaita Constituency despite challenges posed by bad weather.

Supervisor Walter Pado of Harly Designs Consultancy Ltd who engaged in the construction of the hospital project told the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) Dr. Samson Viulu and his staff after they made a brief visit to the project site at Tatali, Atori in East Malaita on Tuesday 13th September 2022.

PS Viulu and his team were in Malaita Province (Auki) this week to facilitate consultation on the first-ever Solomon Islands Constituency Development (SICD) Policy with MRD’s stakeholders in Auki.

Construction workers in full swing with work on the hospital project.

Peoples’s Republic of China (PRC) through its Embassy in Honiara is funding the million project through the government CDF program administered by MRD.

The hospital is located adjacent to Tatali clinic, Atori in East Malaita.

Speaking to MRD Media, Supervisor Pado said work on the first phase is in full swing and he is happy with the progress.
However, he said the only challenge for them is weather conditions – especially rainy seasons which would disturb work.

Work on the first phase of the million hospital project progressing well.

He said their target is to complete phase one of the project in three months as aligned with their timeline.

“We are looking forward to completing the foundation and slab in that three months. But taking into account the uneven weather situation as often experienced in East Malaita, and should it happen, we have to do some adjustments,” Pado emphasized.

The mini-hospital once fully completed and operational will serve the Eastern Malaita Region as far as East Fataleka to East Kwaio and even people from East Are’are.

Work on the hospital foundation progressing.

MRD Permanent Secretary Dr. Samson Viulu applauded the contractor and hopes that work is progressing well.

“This is a clear indication that CDF is still touching the lives of our rural people and will have a positive impact in East Malaita Constituency and surrounding,” he added.

Dr. Paulson P. Bosawai the Managing Director of SAPE Medical clinic and SAPE Farm in the Guadalcanal Plains also visited the mini-hospital site. Dr. Paulson joined the MRD consultation team to facilitate the SICD Policy in Auki.


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