Guadalcanal Provincial Premier Willie Atu giving his remarks. Photo credit @ MEHRD

GUADALCANAL Provincial Government fully supports the ongoing Socialization and Implementation of the Education Act 2023 undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development (MEHRD).

In support of that, the Guadalcanal Provincial Executives, Education Providers and School leaders are currently undergoing four-day Capacity Building Workshop from Monday 10th -Friday 13th September at the Provincial Chamber.

Facilitated by MEHRD with support from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) through UNICEF, the workshop brought together more than 60 key figures from the provincial government, education providers, and school leaders to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement the new Education Act 2023.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Guadalcanal Provincial Secretary, Mr. Maesac Suia reiterated his executive’s commitment to implement the new Education Act.

He said the implementation of the new Education Act is in line with the provincial government policy under section 8(2) subsection 2(d), which states that one of the priorities of the provincial government is to support the implementation of the Education Act 2023.

He said with directions that the ministry is taking the Guadalcanal Provincial Government strongly believes the direction will direct our new way of thinking and our new way of doing things in providing access to education.

He said in a transition to implement the new Education Act, the Guadalcanal provincial government have already established a mechanism, strong Education Coordination with all education providers in terms of planning, infrastructure development, school assessment reporting, school registration, establishment of education office and teacher’s professional development.

Deputy Secretary Cooperate Coldrine Kolae emphasized the new functions and responsibilities that will be established within the provinces under the new Education Act.

This includes the Provincial Education Coordination Office and renaming an office which supports the implementation of the Education Service at the Provincial level called the Provincial Education Provider office. 

“Following the approval of the Education Act, we are going to use new terminologies and terms. The former Education Authorities – EA will now become Education providers – EP.  The Education providers are responsible for three main areas, one being the teachers’ management, school management and financial support. One area that we would like to ensure all the education providers do is to identify a person to be the Education Provider,” he said.

UNICEF Chief Field Officer Benjamin Grubb calls on Guadalcanal Province to step up the implementation of the Act as this will continue to Malaita and Makira province.

The expected outcomes of the four-day capacity workshop are that the participants understand the key provisions and changes introduced by the new Act and be able to make decisions that are compliant with the new Education Legislative Framework – the key legislation is the Education Act 2023. Also, that there will be better coordination for better delivery of ECE, Primary and Secondary education in the provinces, and a better governance system is fostered for education in the provinces.


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