KUKUM Primary Seventh Day Adventist School yesterday have successfully hosted a science expo 2021 event at the Maranatha Hall east Honiara.
The expo event saw prep class up to grade six showcase their capability and creativity in science subject.

Kukum SDA School headteacher, Mr. Timothy Keith told Sunday isles that the science expo was the first of its kind to be hosted by the school and it is proposed to be an annual school event.
He added that the program was very helpful for student’s development especially during their early stages of learning.

He further stated the program was also intended to enable students to encounter new technology and new digital inventions.
“Today we were introduced with new technologies and new digital inventions – the program was very supportive for primary school stages before secondary and university,” he said.
A parent, Dun Siope, also said that he was very surprised to see some of the ideas the students perform during the science expo event.
“I was so surprised to see some of the experiments the students did as part of the program which was very successful,” Siope said.

The program ended successfully prize presentation for the best creative student’s inventions in each category.