THE National Protection Sector Committee under the National Disaster Operation Sector Committees (N-DOC) continues to work closely with People with Disability Solomon Islands (PWDSI) to support people with disabilities during the COVID-19 community transmission.

People living with disabilities (PWDs) are usually most vulnerable during any disaster including the COVID-19 pandemic therefore Protection Committee ensures they access needed services and receive support during the community outbreak.

The support includes the provision of dignity kits which the committee continues to provide during the community transmission phase.

The Protection Committee team this week continues to distribute several kits to people with disability who were identified during an assessment conducted in some communities in Honiara including those registered under PWDSI.

The Dignity kits are purposely to assist people with disability with their immediate needs in the current COVID-19situation in the country

The committee will continue to collaborate with PWDSI and the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) within the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and relevant agencies to ensure all people with disability are properly registered and supported during this current COVID-19 situation.

The National Protection Sector Committee is one of the committees of the National Disaster Operation Sector Committees (N-DOC) which focuses on the protection of the most vulnerable group of people – children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disability, during the COVID-19 response through provision of kits for children in quarantine facilities, coordination of the National Referral Pathway for Gender-based violence (SAFENET) to ensure protection and welfare services for victims of domestic violence and child abuse are maintained and accessible, support psychosocial counseling services and provision of dignity kits for people with disability.

The Committee continues to call on family and community members to continue to take good care of children, elderly and sick people, people with disability and pregnant mothers as they have specific needs and are usually the most vulnerable during any disasters including the Covid-19 crisis. SAFENET and Counselling services can also be accessed through the SAFENET free helpline number 132. The Committee is chaired by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs.


Feature Photo Caption: N-DOC Protection Committee Coordinator Zamira Rua sorting out dignity kits that were distributed to a number of people with disabilities in Honiara last week.


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