SOLOMON Islands School Teachers salaries have been made available as of 1 pm this afternoon.

This includes the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) salaries.

Confirming this to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) Permanent Secretary (PS) Dr Franco Rodie is the Director of Teaching Service Division (TSD), Mathias Kutai.

Through media query if whether Teachers will still be receiving their salaries this week Thursday given the situation of the proposed four days Coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown in Honiara to be effective as of today 6 pm, Director Kutai confirmed that both Teachers and Police salaries have been sent to their respective bank accounts as of this afternoon.

“Teachers and Police salaries have been sent to their respective banks and will go into their accounts this afternoon, I hope this is clear,” said Director Kutai on confirmation.

The TSD Director’s response is understood to be received with relief by both Teachers and Police, who have been questioning how they will receive their salaries during this week’s Covid-19 lockdown period in the capital Honiara purposely to support their families.


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