Permanent Secretary of MRD, Lottie Vaisekavea handed over the project goods to the Member of Parliament (MP) for Vatud Constituency and Honourable Minister for the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children & Family Affairs, Freda Rotutafi Rangirei. Look on from behind is Fleet Solomons Company Managing Director Kensley Manu who supplied the project goods. Photo credit @ MRD

THE Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) last Friday (5 July 2024) delivered four ray-boats and 13 engines worth $685,000.00 in Constituency Development Funds (CDF) to beneficiaries from Temotu Vatud constituency.

The project items were procured under the 2023 CDF allocation and were supposed to be delivered end of last year, however delayed until last Friday due to the recent national general election activities. Also, it was the final and last project under the VATUD constituency 2023 annual development plan.

Permanent Secretary of MRD, Lottie Vaisekavea handed over the project goods to the Member of Parliament (MP) for Vatud Constituency and Honourable Minister for the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children & Family Affairs, Freda Rotutafi Rangirei in the presence of the beneficiaries and few MRD officials.

The project goods include two (2) 60hp, three (3) 40hp, eight 15hp engines, and four (4) ray boats 3 x 25 feet and 1 x 19 feet.

The assistance is targeted to enhance people’s livelihood and ensure people and communities have reliable transportation to access health services, schools and engage in income-generating activities like fishing to provide for their family needs.

Israel Outlaw from Vanikoro Island who spoke on behalf of the beneficiaries thanked the government through MRD and their MP Hon. Freda for facilitating the support which he said will positively contribute to the improvement of their living standard and livelihood.

“This is the first time for most of us to own a boat. These items are timely independence gifts for us as our country is ready to celebrate its 46th anniversary on 7 July.”

He said the boats and OBMs are very important to the livelihood of VATUD constituents.

“VATUD constituency is made up of five main islands namely, Vanikoro, Anuta, Tikopia, Utupua, and Duff (VATUD). We are made up of Islands and in order for us to connect ourselves we have to connect by boat or by ship. And also, transportation is one of our greatest challenges and foremost needs. But thank you to the government through MRD and our MP for facilitating this support which will certainly boost our livelihoods,” Outlaw said.

For Outlaw, he said he would use his boat and engine for transport hiring, and fishing activities.

Honourable Rangirei upon receiving the project items from MRD PS Lottie acknowledged the local supplier, Fleet Solomons for their timely response in supplying the much-needed boats and engines for her constituency.

She also recognized MRD for its role in administering and facilitating the CDF program so that it serves its envisioned purpose by improving the social and economic livelihoods of rural Solomon Islanders.

She further added that under the CDF program, she was able to support individuals, families, communities, and churches in her constituency for the past years as an MP for Temotu Vatud.

Hon. Freda said that as the MP for Vatud, she will continue to deliver and support development in her constituency for the benefit of constituents adding that this year and onward her constituency office will focus more on supporting the development of community projects.

Meanwhile, PS Vaisekavea acknowledged Hon. Minister Freda for her continuous commitment to supporting and improving the livelihoods of her constituents.

He congratulated the beneficiaries and also urged them to look after their outboard motor engines and boats and use them for their intended purposes.

He said making sure rural people participate in such socio-economic activity to improve their livelihoods is paramount.

The PS again recognized the continuous active commitment and collaboration of Hon. Freda with MRD in delivering such a socio-economic improvement project in her constituency that would surely ease the transportation needs of the constituency as well as engage in more economic opportunities and activities.

At the same time, Fleet Solomons Company Managing Director Kensley Manu who supplied the project goods thanked the government through MRD for the trust and confidence not only to work with our constituencies but seeing it fit to support local companies.

This is not the first time Fleet Solomons to supply such an immense project to the constituency as it has already done it in the past by supplying project goods to several constituencies.

CDF is a program of the Solomon Islands Government (SIG) administered by MRD and is implemented through the 50 constituencies in the country purposely to improve the social and economic livelihoods of all Solomon Islanders.

MRD’s vision is to ensure all rural Solomon Islanders become meaningfully participate in development activities to improve their social and economic livelihood.


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