Hon. Matthew Wale, MP for Aoke Langalanga and Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition Group. (PHOTO: OUTSOURCED)

THE Leader of Opposition and Member of Parliament for Aoke Langalanga, Hon. Matthew Wale has again reiterated his concerns on the impact that geopolitics continues to have on this nation and the people and leaders of Malaita Province in particular.

“I am very concerned about the divisions in our society that have stemmed from geopolitics play in our nation.

“A key fallout of this situation is the deep division that exists and continues to widen among our peoples”.

Hon. Wale added that ‘this matter is particularly true for the people of Malaita Province”.

The Member for Aoke Langalanga had already raised these very sentiments on the floor of parliament and has again reiterated his concerns which he stated has moved from the political realm into society.

“At the political level the preferential treatment given to MPs and constituencies with regards to funds under the discretion of the PM which were given by the Peoples Republic of China is proof that this geopolitical divide is playing out at the highest political level,” he said.

The Leader of Opposition added that “it is becoming very evident that this geopolitical play is also actively working to divide our people now as well”.

He cautioned the government and leaders not to allow ourselves to fall into these divides but we should continue to put the Solomon Islands and Solomon Islanders first in all our policies and decisions.

“This country is ours, we should focus on development and partnerships that benefit our peoples,” the Opposition Leader stressed.

He further added that “we should do our best to reduce tensions and divisions that stem from geopolitical positioning and instead unite in developing our nation together, and and with the support of those that are genuine about our common future’.

SOURCE: Opposition Press


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