A TOTAL of 137 part one registered nurses who have completed the Nurses Supervised Practice Program (SSP) have been awarded their Part Two Full Registration certificates on 12 May at the South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) as part of commemorating the International Nurses Day 2022.

International Nurses Day was commemorated with the theme: ‘Nurses: A Voice to Lead, Invest in Nursing and Respect Rights to Secure Global Health’.

Speaking during the ceremony in his keynote address, Mr. Nego Sisiolo Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Service, said that it was an honor for him to be invited to the registration ceremony for the 2021/2022 part one registered nurses who have completed the Nurses Supervised Practice Program.

Mr. Sisiolo said the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) is a very important Government Agency as it delivers a vital service and that is health services, to its people.

He acknowledged the MHMS Permanent Secretary and management team for ensuring that service delivery continues despite the COVID-19 pandemic situation that has affected the country over the last 2 years.

In saying so, he congratulated all the nurses throughout the country on their special day today: The International Nurses Day which is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

“Florence Nightingale, British nurse, statistician, and social reformer was the foundational philosopher of modern nursing”, Mr. Sisiolo explained.

He added, that nursing is a noble profession, and it is very selfless and nurses have been and will always be the backbone of our health services.

He acknowledged the services that nurses continue to deliver in the various health facilities and from their various workstations.

However, he said nurses continue to be challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic; yet far from backing down in the face of these challenges, they have stood up to them with incredible strength and dedication despite difficult and even life-threatening working conditions.

“The theme for the 2022 International Nurses Day (IND): Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health, focuses on the need to protect, support, and invest in the nursing profession to strengthen health systems around the world.

“The President of the International Council of Nurses, Dr. Pamela Cipriano stated that case studies collected from around countries portray the incredible work of nurses, and the IND theme for 2022 will continue to promote nursing work and fight for nurses’ rights to a safe working environment and full participation in decision-making.

“Nurses care for those with COVID-19 throughout the pandemic, as well as the wide variety of nursing that continued throughout the pandemic to care for those suffering from other conditions. From birth to death, non-communicable diseases to infection disease, mental health to chronic conditions, in hospitals, communities, and homes, nurses provide accessible, affordable, person-centered, holistic care for all”, Mr. Sisiolo said.

He said COVID-19 has exposed challenges with investment in health systems around the world.

Thus, he said Solomon Islands Government places a high priority on its workforce.

Mr. Sisiolo then described Government has protected, supported, and invested in nurses and the rest of the public servants as emphasized in the 2022 International nurses’ day theme.

Head of Nursing Council and Nursing Director, Mr. Michael Larui congratulated the 137 newly part two registered nurses and thanked the Ministry of Health and Medical Services and the government for their continuous support of nursing programs in the country.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of newly registered nurses, RN Alwyn Jack stated said that with these acquired skills of practice and knowledge of becoming a Registered Nurse, they are filled with thanks to the Ministry of Health Executive Management, Nursing Department, the Nursing Council, to their immediate supervisions in the different departments and clinics and to their families who have supported them since day one. “Thank you, everyone, for the support we will continue to serve you well to the best of our knowledge and ability”.



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