Teachers during the parade. Photo credit: MEHRD

2023 World Teacher’s Day has been marked at the National Museum in Honiara today with hundreds of teachers convening for the event.

When speaking at the 2023 World Teachers Day celebration, the Minister for Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), Hon. Lanelle Tanangada told teachers that the Ministry of Education will continue to support the training of teachers to address teachers’ shortages and qualifications.

She said the ministry acknowledges that addressing the teacher shortage is complex and challenging and requires an inclusive and multifaceted approach.

From left Solomon Islands National University Dean of the Faculty of Education and Humanity, Dr Patricia Rodie, Minister of Education and Human Resources Development, Hon. Lanelle Tanangada and President of Solomon Islands Teachers Association Andy Tosasai cutting the World Teachers Day cake. Photo credit: MEHRD

She said the ministry has plans and strategies for development to alleviate this issue based on projections of the approved number of schools and children from different sectors, such as ECE, primary, secondary, and TVET.

Hon. Lanelle said there are several measures and strategies the ministry uses to curb its teacher training needs. The measures include teacher training and development, incentives and compensation, recruitment and retention strategies, and alternative certification programs.

The Minister for Education also stated that MEHRD and its donor partners have invested in teacher training programs to improve the quality of education and attract more individuals to the teaching profession.

The ministry is also providing an ongoing professional development opportunity for current teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Hon. Lanelle highlighted that her ministry recognizes and plans to offer competitive salaries and benefits to teachers to excel in their roles.

Teachers filled with excitement in celebrating the World Teachers Day. Photo credit MEHRD

She further highlighted that under the newly developed Administrative Instruction for Teachers, the ministry recognizes and establishes recruitment processes to attract individuals into the teaching profession.

Adding to that, the ministry continues to support teachers who have graduated with traditional degrees in different disciplines apart from education but are eyeing teaching as their career of choice.

She said that with the support of donor partners, a number of these teachers have graduated with certificates and diplomas in teaching.

Honiara High School teachers performing their item. Photo credit MEHRD

She also highlighted that the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development is pursuing the Education Bill 2023, which is currently being debated in Parliament.

She said once the bill is passed and enacted, it will provide a platform for effective amendments and policies to be developed to support our teachers throughout the country.


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