Intending candidate for the Southeast Vella La Vella Constituency, Jacob Kwan. Photo credit @ Jacob Kwan, Intending Candidate for Southeast Vella/ Facebook


THE intending candidate for the South East Vella La Vella Constituency, Jacob Kwan, declares that the desired change is solely dependent on the will and courage of the constituents.

“We cannot sit back and expect change to happen on its own,” Kwan said. “We need to have the will and the courage to stand up and fight for what we believe in. We must be willing to take risks and push ourselves out of our comfort zones in order to make a real difference.”

Kwan added to the significance of bold and decisive action in achieving desired change in the constituency.

“Thank you for coming to hear my vision for the South East for the next four years, specifically with regard to development, progress, and prosperity for our constituency.

“You might wonder why I’m running for parliament. It’s easy to understand why. I’m running for office because I’m ready for change. This is what you require, and together we can accomplish that goal,” he said at his recent campaign launch in South East Vella La Vella Constituency.

Kwan is knowledgeable about the challenges of sustaining a village lifestyle as a child amidst constant changes in life.

“I saw your suffering, and I too feel the pain, and that motivates me to stand for leadership in our constituency to change how SEV operates in terms of development. I believe I can make a difference, and that change is inclusive, meaning you and me must work together to achieve our vision for a better South East Vella la Vella constituency now and into the future,’’ Kwan said.

He outlined his vision for his constituents, aiming to revisit the past development achievements in the 1970s and 1980s and to continue with the current modern development aspirations of the constituency.

“Before independence, we had roads and bridges that made traveling easy. We have functional agricultural stations that support our subsistence agriculture. Clinics, which served us for decades, have now deteriorated. Coconut plantations, which were planted by our forefathers and bring much revenue for our country, have not been rehabilitated and maintained,’’ he said.

Kwan’s development plans aim to improve churches, schools, infrastructure, agriculture, and fisheries in his constituency.

“Empowering individuals, families, tribes, and communities through funds and resources can improve the standard of living and facilitatethe success of small struggling businesses, thereby promoting economic growth and fostering a functional infrastructure,” he said.

Kwan believes that achieving South East Vella La Vella Constituency’s vision may take time and effort, but with the right will, anything is possible.


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