Minister of Education and Human Resources Development, Hon. Lanelle Tanangada, presenting her speech during the International Education Day 2024 celebration event.


DURING the celebrations of International Education Day 2024, the Caretaker Minister of Education and Human Resources Development acknowledged the importance of education in the development and building of the Solomon Islands.

The Honourable Lanelle Tanangada emphasized the importance of this year’s International Education Day 2024 theme, ‘Learning for Lasting Peace’, highlighting its importance with several rhetorical questions on the subject.

“How can education partners and stakeholders use education as a tool for promoting peace and development? What tools can be considered to better spot, tackle, and prevent hate speech and violence among children and youth?

“We need a collective effort from parents and guardians, the government, teachers and leaders, families and communities, education providers, etc. to engage our children and youth in every learning opportunity so that they are fully engaged, become meaningful citizens, and promote peaceful coexistence and harmony wherever they live and serve,” Hon. Lanelle said in her key speech on Friday at the Honiara Senior Secondary School.

She later acknowledged all the education partners for their tireless efforts and recognized the various commitments of the government, churches, education providers, relevant NGOs, schools and institutions, teachers, parents, and guardians to educate our learners, from the ECE to the TVET/tertiary level.

Caretaker Minister of Education, Hon. Lanelle Tanangada, at the International Education Day 2024.

In addition, the Minister made an international call to respective education partners and stakeholders to continue providing more opportunities for growth and development in learning.

“I would like to join the international call to urge our respective education partners and stakeholders to continue providing learning opportunities and accessibility in the formal and non-formal sectors and creating more opportunities for growth and development in learning.

”In conclusion, it is my call that we continue to make joint efforts with churches, NGOs, communities, women’s groups, and other organizations to promote peace and inclusive societies, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

“By participating in the International Day of Education, sharing awareness, and advocating for accessible and transformative education for all, we can pave the way for a more equitable and peaceful future for generations to come,” she said.

Education as a Tool to Promote Peace

To facilitate the implementation of peace through education, the caretaker minister outlined several key examples.

“Using education as a tool to promote peace aims at educating children and youths at an early age to confront issues with a positive and peaceful approach. Last year, many of us witnessed the hosting of the Pacific Games, an important peace building and cultural exchange initiative that unified not only the nine provinces of the Solomon Islands but 24 countries in the Pacific.

“In one of the articles by Dirk Wagener, United Nations Resident Coordinator, he highlighted that the “Pacific Games in the Solomon Islands are the beacon of peace in the Pacific.”It stands as a symbol of hope, a celebration of diversity, and a powerful means of promoting peace amid ethnic conflict and political unrest in the country.” The November 2021 riot and burning down of business houses is a good example. It is a sad scenario that the most involved are children, youths, and the unemployed.

“Our country is made up of different ethnic groups and races, with 300 scattered islands and 70 living languages. While we do acknowledge our diverse cultures, scattered geographical settings, and the challenge of rapid population growth, we are also rich in natural resources.

“How can we leverage our resources to tackle these challenges and create a peaceful environment to learn and thrive together?”I strongly believe we must continue to promote unity in diversity for our next generation and ensure our younger generation continues to make critical decisions and learn to live in peaceful co-existence with each other and the environment.

“Today, we continue to emphasize the role of education in promoting mutual understanding, tolerance, and peaceful co-existence in a world facing numerous conflicts and challenges,” she expressed.


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