Solstar Editorial

THE Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) strongly disagrees with the recent Editorial published by the Solomon Star newspaper, which has falsely implicated MASI in its battle with OCCRP. MASI hereby seeks to set the record straight and clarify its position on this matter.

First and foremost, MASI acknowledges and respects Solomon Star as the longest serving newspaper company, but vehemently condemn the Editorial for its lack of truth and fairness. MASI adheres to fundamental principles of ethical journalism, which, unfortunately, the Solomon Star failed to uphold in this instance.

We would like to highlight the following issues from the Editorial:

  1. Solomon Star did not exhibit journalistic integrity by failing to reach out to MASI President, Georgina Kekea, for an interview or verification. This disregard for responsible reporting and fact-checking undermines the credibility of their publication.
  2. The Editorial deliberately implicated MASI and others to justify its actions, showcasing a clear disregard for ethical reporting practices.
  3. Solomon Star inappropriately used information shared by MASI with its members, thereby disrespecting the confidential nature of the MASI/Member relationship.

MASI would like to clarify that Solomon Star, as a private company, has the right to engage in business with whomever it chooses, and MASI does not intend to interfere with that freedom. However, MASI cannot condone the unethical conduct demonstrated by the newspaper.

Solomon Star, being a news company, should be aware of what it needs to do following the misleading and inaccurate Editorial, implicating MASI and others.

In this regard, MASI also wishes to express its gratitude to the country’s donor partners for their continuous support in developing the media landscape. We extend special thanks to Australia for their funding support which will enable the MASI to recruit a Coordinator to implement activities for the benefit of its members, including Solomon Star if they choose to remain with MASI and embrace its values and code of ethics.

The media plays a crucial role in society, and it is essential to uphold the highest standards of integrity, accuracy, and fairness. MASI remains committed to promoting ethical journalism and will continue to work towards fostering a responsible and accountable media environment in Solomon Islands.


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