Photo credit - Peter Zoleveke/Facebook

THE Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (SICCI) subcommittee Building and Construction Working Group (BCWG) is proposing the creation of an Institute of Engineers and Architects to promote innovation and enhance infrastructure development in the Solomon Islands.

According to the SICCI statement, in the first meeting of this year, 2024, the subcommittee comprised of private sector representatives proposed a plan to establish an Institute of Engineers and Architects.

“An agenda item that was also brought before the committee is the proposed plan to establish an Institute of Engineers and Architects.

“Members have agreed that the committee members will revisit and review the compiled position paper for the establishment of the institution for the last time and put it forward for the SICCI Board to endorse.

“Further consultations will be facilitated with government ministries and relevant stakeholders for the implementation of the position paper,” the SICCI statement said.

Building and Construction Working Group Committee. Photo credit @ SICCI

The importance of such a proposed institution will foster professional ethics and integrity within the engineering and architectural sectors in the country.

Likewise, the BCWG is also pushing for the approval of the National Building Code Bill.

“The aim and objectives of the proposed National Building Code Bill are to standardize building designs and construction in the country.

“The proposed bill also looks at creating a level playing field for all local building and construction businesses to operate.

“The bill awaits the reconvening of parliament, currently dissolved ahead of the upcoming elections.

“The chairwoman of the working group, Ms. Namoi, describes the meeting as successful, informative, and has set a clear path going forward,” said the SICCI statement.

Likewise, the statement said the SICCI’s advocacy officer, Mr. Elvis Bwa’a, who manages all the working groups, says his department will continue to support the Building and Construction Working Group with its ambitions for this year, 2024.

“I acknowledge the committee members for their inputs towards the Building and Construction Working Group’s key priorities,” the statement said.


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