RSIPF Director for National Traffic Department, William Foufaka.


FOR the XVII Pacific Games 2023, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force has started traffic management operations.

William Foufaka, the Director of the National Traffic Department of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), disclosed this on Sunday’s National Hosting Authority (NHA) talk back program.

One of the primary special operations under the main security agency for the Pacific Games is traffic management.

According to Mr. Foufaka, traffic management went into effect on November 6 and will continue until December 5th, or later.

“Honiara’s traffic management objectives and strategies guarantee a safe environment for all drivers, pedestrians, foreign tourists, and local residents.

“Our goal is to protect all attendees and organizers of the event while simultaneously attempting to reduce danger within the Honiara city.

“We intend to start off on a very high note to make sure that we handle our traffic appropriately. We are doing everything in our power to manage the traffic problems Honiara City is currently facing in order to guarantee that traffic flow and control will be much better during the Pacific Games in 2023,” Mr. Foufaka stated.

He said the operations will concentrate on controlling and managing traffic in those hotspots.

“The hotspots have been identified, and static officers on high visibility patrol will be stationed within the hotspot areas starting this week and the following week.” King George roundabout, King George market, Telekom Panatina roundabout, and Honiara City Council (HCC) intersections.

“As far as Henderson is concerned, the east is the primary focus. Additionally, the operation will be expanded to include White River in the west. In order to make sure that cars are legitimate and suitable for the road, we will also be monitoring vehicle inspections at checkpoints,” he added.

Additionally, he stated that from November 14 to 19, there will be targeted traffic stops at high-traffic areas. During these stops, traffic officers, frontline officers, and support staff will wear high-visibility vehicles to clear lanes and reduce traffic jams.

“A total of 78 officers, including ten officers and motorcycles from neighboring countries like Papua New Guinea (PNG) will be involved in the traffic management operation.

“The traffic department is prepared to ensure everyone’s safety as well as the safety of those who use the public route,” he said.


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